HaLong Cuisine
In the opinion of many tourists visited Halong Bay is one of the impression that they enjoy the taste of the sea seafood Halong. And, this potential has been trading enterprises in Ha Long tourist fullest, create focal points for tourists when go to Ha Long ...
Speaking about the specialty of Halong Bay, many people often refer to the first Ngan. There are many places in Ha Long Bay Ngán, but Ngán at Bach Dang river is the tastiest, fattest, because it has a lot of mangrove, estuaries rich in nutrients. Can be fed more food processing such as: Grilled, steamed, broth, pasta or sauteed vegetables. There visitors witty remarks: name called "Ngán" but why not see bored eating at all. With male tourists usually Ngán liquor quiche dish. Ngan alcohol very own scented sea. Guests can manually prepared. A bored with pink wine, the salty, slightly tart, with a wonderful fragrance, the new wine Ngan Ha Long. Cold winter night, sitting with friends on the shores of the Gulf, gathered together beside the fire pink, drink a glass of wine Ngan, has added some toasted dried squid, together singing songs about Ha Long ... it was great! Several years ago, during excavations ruins Imperial Citadel of Thang Long, scientists have discovered the ruins of the kitchen garbage can pretty much clam shell. Hypothesis is that ancient merchants, officials visited the An Bang, probably also find Ngan dish "quiche", you should have brought special prices according to supply reasonable progress?
Besides Ngan, a specialty of Hung Yen Ha Long but very proud people, considered a specialty of his hometown, which is the universe. Canh hà Quang Yen where they do not have, where there is harmony between fresh water from the delta along with the salt water of Halong sea. Ha River Lemon sour soup cooked and delicious with all four seasons, but most interesting is still eaten in the hot summer days. Also, can bring very fatty food fried breaded.
Among the seafood from the sea of Ha Long, "popular" is made from shrimp dishes. Halong Bay has many types of shrimp: prawns, lobster, shrimp so, Tiger is still the best ... but you prawn, lobster. Hard-shell lobsters, sometimes looks more ferocious stout (so called lobster, shrimp lord of the budget?). Lobster shell ornament usually in hotels, restaurants, fishermen families in the waters of Ha Long. And more soft shelled prawns, are often used for specialty parties. There are two ways of cooking prawns are steamed and tempura fried, but steamed shrimp favored retaining flavor of the sea. Steamed shrimp served with ceiling issue, herbs, salt pepper dipped in chili seasoning. Steamed shrimp dishes from cuisines have long been popular with visitors is the class list "First specialty" Ha Long by sea have nutritional value and aesthetic value.
If bored, shrimp, galaxy ... in many parts of Halong Bay is a special species is rare devotees, only in Quan Lan Island - Pearl (Van Don). Devotees with fresh garlic sauteed fresh is a rustic character of Halong coastal people. Dry roasting brings devotees, yellow when ripe, aromatic odor, a tasty juicy scent of sea levels. Devotees dotted with roasted chili, extra points lettuce, herbs and drinking beer would be great ...
We can say, with many species of marine natural gift, the Ha Long has this much processing way. Distilling from the sea, many specialties of Ha Long has become well-known brands, such as: Grilled Ha Long squid, fish sauce, Cai Rong, Tu hai Van Don ... Nowadays, due to commuter traffic was convenient, marine transportation from Ha Long to Hanoi and other provinces increasingly made it easy for visitors to enjoy fresh seafood Halong. However, the most interesting is still enjoying seafood at Halong Halong. Come to Ha Long, tourists have many options to enjoy the sites, such as on cruise ships visiting the Gulf, at the friends, in restaurants, bars, or at family friends, relatives etc. .. These last year, on the occasion of Ha Long Tourism Festival, the organization has introduced Halong food culture, with content that generally undeveloped, yet exudes the highlights, the essence of moisture Halong real ...
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